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BOOKING JO Compare cheap flights

Frequently Asked Questions

How does BOOKING JO work?

We’re a flight search engine. We scan all the top airlines and travel providers across the net, so you can compare flight fares to anywhere in one place. Once you’ve found the best flight, you book directly with the provider, and we don’t add any extra fees.

How can I find the cheapest flight?

Finding flights is easy here – over 100 million savvy travellers come to us each month to find cheap flight tickets, hotels and car hire. Here are a few simple tips on how to get the most out of your flight search. Save money and timeWhether it's the fastest flight or the smartest stay, you can pick your preferred flight provider or hotel based on real traveller ratings, and book instantly. Search Everywhere. Go anywhere.Fancy a trip but don’t mind where? Or perhaps you want to discover somewhere new. Search ‘Everywhere’ for the best budget airfare anywhere on any given day. Find the cheapest time to flyIf you have a destination in mind and want to find the cheapest flight, choose ‘Cheapest month’ when you search. Then find flights on the cheapest day.

Do I book my flight with BOOKING JO?

We’re a search engine, so after you’ve found the best flight ticket you’ll book directly with the airline or travel provider on their site.

Does BOOKING JO do hotels too?
Yes! You can use the same magic that powers : Visit Hotels.